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Will Scott Brown help America get rid of Obama ?
Senator-elect Scott Brown, R-Massachusetts, speaks to people gathered around him at a restaurant in Chicopee, Mass. Friday, Jan. 29, 2010 as he kicks off a three-day 'thank-you' tour across Massachusetts. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola) Some very bad news for...
"I had a dream"
Le troisième lundi de Janvier est férié aux Etats-Unis. C'est le "Martin Luther King's Day" destiné à commémorer l'anniversaire de la naissance du grand Homme, pour lui rendre hommage. Mais, s'il vous plaît, ne croyez pas les sondages que vous lirez ou...
A message from France : We're freezing here too ! And the political and economic situation in our country, like yours, does not help to warm our hearts... Petit message de France : On gèle, ici, aussi ! Et la situation politique et économique dans notre...
Sarkozy's Obamaphobia
The French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, spent the last few days dedicating himself to the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the fall of Berlin Wall, and, on that occasion, he spoke a lot about foreign policy and his relationship with foreign leaders,...
Virginia and New Jersey send Mister O. a warning message one year after
Today is the anniversary of Barack Obama's election (november the fourth, 2008), and seeing what happened yesterday in Virginia and New Jersey, I would be very surprised to learn that the Obama couple intend to organize a party to celebrate their victory...
A very busy president...
Recently, Obama said he really feels tired, exhausted... When we look at these photos taken yesterday, we understand why, indeed, he feels so tired... You will realize how busy he is... President Barack Obama and his friends Mike Ramos (L), Bobby Titcomb...
It"s 3 a.m, and Obama doesn't answer...
Do you remember Hillary's "3 a.m" campaign ad during the primaries ? Here it is, in case you've forgotten : Today, after hearing Mister O. last night, what is your conclusion ? Don't you think Hillary was right ? How long did it take the clown to react...
A clown in the White House
resident Barack Obama speaks about plans to thwart future terrorist attacks after an alleged terrorist attempt to destroy a Detroit-bound U.S. airliner on Christmas Day, Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2010, at the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)...
Le grand diviseur
French article ; English article below Vous vous rappelez la promesse d'Obama pendant la campagne ? Il avait affirmé en avoir assez de vivre dans un pays divisé, et promis que si il était élu, l'une de ses priorités serait de RASSEMBLER les Américains....
Crocodile tears
Barack Obama is going to make a speech about bank bonuses, and announce his plan to raise a levy to pay for the cost of the US bank bail-out. President Barack Obama at a roundtable discussion on healthcare during a visit to the Children's National Medical...
Violence and chaos : welcome to Obama's America !
He had promised to change his country... he had promised to bring people together again. He had promised to appease quarrels and tensions. In a nutshell, he had promised another world, another America. And there were millions to believe him, to be gullible...
"I had a dream"
The third Monday of January is a federal holiday in the USA... this is the day to commemorate Martin Luther King's birth, to pay a tribute to the great man : Martin Luther King's Day. But please, Don't believe the polls you will read or hear about today......
Is Barack sick ?
On Sunday, when I saw these horrible photos of Barack Obama on the Internet : ... my first reaction was : "Oh my God! There's something wrong with this man. He does not look healthy." So I am not surprised today to find such articles in the British press...
French version ; English version below L’Amérique est en train d’étouffer sous les dettes... Et dans les mois qui viennent, elle va pourtant continuer à dépenser inconsidérément, simplement parce qu’un amateur a été élu à la présidence… Mais qui donc...
He has not been inaugurated president yet, and he already acknowledges that he told lies during his campaign... It happened this morning, during the TV show "This Week" on ABC. Obama has been telling lies for months, not to say years, and today, it is...
Obamaniacs at a loss
For all those Obamaniacs in France who keep saying the Massachusetts election is only an incident, and is not revealing of the mood of American people, let me remind them of a few facts : - the new polls published today all confirm that Obama is plunging...
Cheeky Obama now blames the British !
President Barack Obama (R) and first lady Michelle Obama (L) board Air Force One at Hickam Air Force Base in Honolulu, Hawaii, on January 3. Obama returned to the Washington area on Monday after his Hawaiian vacation : he'd better stay on holiday instead...
Les Obamaniaques désemparés
French article ; English version below Pour tous les Obamaniaques de France qui continuent de dire que la débacle du Massachusetts n'est qu'un incident de parcours, et ne reflète pas du tout l'état de l'opinion, laissez moi leur rappeler quelques faits...
Obama's answer to terrorists : "Snowbama" !
President Barack Obama and his daughter Malia enjoy shaved ice while on vacation in Kailua, Hawaii January 1, 2010. REUTERS/Hugh Gentry(UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS SOCIETY) Yesterday, the president of the United States sent a very strong message to...
Barack est-il malade ?
French article ; English article below Dimanche dernier, quand j'ai vu ces horribles photos de Barack Obama sur Internet : ... ma première réaction a été : "Oh mon Dieu ! Il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas du tout, chez cet homme. Il n'a vraiment pas...
French version ; English article below Vous êtes américain, et vous n'êtes pas d'accord avec la politique suivie et proposée actuellement par le président Obama ? Et bien, vous devriez avoir honte ! Regardez qui vous êtes ... Regardez à quoi vous ressemblez......
En attendant que Mister O. se décide...
French article . English article below Le monde entier continue d'attendre que Obama veuille bien prendre une décision. Il a deux options possibles, deux stratégies : COIN ou CT... Alors, le Prix Nobel de la PAIX va-t-il décider d'écouter le général McChrystal,...
Obama is in Hawaii and America in shelters.
I just read this article published by Jonathan Berr in the DailyFinance. It touched me for several reasons. One, I lived few minutes away from Camden, in a very different world. Second, I lived minutes away from Fort Myers, which is now in the top five...
Photo du jour / Today's photo
Voici une autre preuve que l'image d'Obama se dégrade, et cette fois-ci pas seulement aux Etats-Unis... Here is another proof that Obama is becoming more and more unpopular, and not only in the USA... La chute d'un héros... / Downfall of a hero... A woman...
French article ; English article below Il était une fois une princesse à Paris... Hillary / Cendrillon... Quand Hillary Clinton trébuche... Sarkozy se marre Je la trouve particulièrement belle ici, son sourire est splendide. Elle rayonne ! Le problème,...