Pour Mister O., l'environnement n'est pas un problème sérieux
French article ; English version below Mister O. vient d'exprimer sa sympathie à toutes les victimes du tsunami qui s'est produit hier sur les côtes de l'archipel des Samoa et des Samoa américaines. (Le bilan fait déjà état d’au moins cent morts et plusieurs...
For Mister O., the environment is no serious matter
Mister O. has just expressed his solidarity and concern with the victims of the terrible tsunami and earthquakes that hit the Samoan Islands and Indonesia yesterday. satellite photo of a village in the Samoan Islands hours after the tsunami "My deepest...
French article ; English article below Je viens de trouver cette info assez dingue : DEVRAIT-ON TUER OBAMA ? C’est la question qu’un internaute a réussi à publier sur le site Facebook dans le cadre d’un sondage à choix multiples : 1) oui; 2) peut-être;...
I've just found this piece of news : The U.S. Secret Service is looking into the person behind a "Should Obama be killed?" poll on Facebook, according to a report on the Washington Post Company's online publication Who Runs Gov. "We are taking the appropriate...
Ils s'amusent pendant que leurs soldats meurent...
French article ; English version below President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama stepped out to some music as they left the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation idinner last night. Promoting his health-care reforms, he said, there comes a time...
They're having fun while their troops are dying...
President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama stepped out to some music as they left the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation idinner last night. Promoting his health-care reforms, he said, there comes a time when "the cup of endurance runs over."...