Publié le par frenchpuma

I've just found this piece of news :

The U.S. Secret Service is looking into the person behind a "Should Obama be killed?" poll on Facebook, according to a report on the Washington Post Company's online publication Who Runs Gov.

"We are taking the appropriate investigative steps," Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan told reporter Amanda Erickson of The Plum Line blog, housed on Who Runs Gov. "We are aware of it."

The poll, first reported Sunday night by another blog, The Political Carnival, offers four choices to the question "Should Obama be killed:" 1) Yes. 2) Maybe. 3) If he cuts my health care and 4) No.

The application – created by an outside party, not Facebook – has since been disabled. It appears that at least 750 people had participated in the poll before it was taken down. (You can see a screen shot of what it looked like here: http://bit.ly/4lUH0yl.)

Users searching for the original poll are now greeted with the following message on Facebook:

"The application `Polls' is temporarily unavailable due to an issue with its third-party developer. We are investigating the situation and apologize for any inconvenience."Facebook's spokesman for policy matters, Barry Schnitt, tells TalkingPointsMemo.com that the Secret Service asked Facebook on Monday to take down the poll, but that it had already been removed by then.

Meanwhile, TPM notes that a related poll subsequently surfaced: "Should the person who created the 'Should Obama be Killed Poll' be arrested?"

It, too, has been disabled.

Toronto Star

I think it is so sad to see what America has become.

This whole stuff is revealing of the feelings Obama inspires. Of course, it is horrible, but I can't help thinking that America should have tried to elect a more "consensual" leader, after eight years of an already extremely divisive presidency.

For how can a country heal its wounds if it is not united and if its president is unable to appease tensions and hatred ?

Not only are Black and White Americas not reconciled.
But divisions are  now perceptible at every level of the society, not only between races.

When Obama leaves power in four years, I'm afraid he will leave behind a completely shattered country.

A land of ashes...

The ruins of America...

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