Publié le par frenchpuma

G20 and Obama's visit to Europe : Special coverage (6)

I've just heard Sarkozy on the radio...
Now, believe me, it's going to be hot !
It's likely to be violent, bloody...

The French president was on the French radio this morning, and he reasserted his strong determination to obtain concrete results at the G20 Summit on the regulation of the international financial system. And otherwise, he is ready to walk out of the Summit !

April Fools' Day at the G20 Summit ?
Obama : We ought to see each other more often !
Sarkozy : This is what I often tell Carla !

Mister O.: hold yourself ! Prepare yourself !
You have found an opponent who has the courage to challenge you !
You, who think you are the king of the world...

In his London embassy, this morning, Obama must be trembling... He is going to confront France's Little Man, who is so impressive.

So, finally, the moment has come : Mister O. is going to show  the world that he has guts !  

Thanks to Sarkozy, he will be able to prove he is not words, only words. He is the real Savior of the Planet.

But, it is so heart-breaking for us !

I can't manage to choose : Obama or Sarkozy ?

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