Publié le par frenchpuma

You're not going to hear a lot of it in the MSM in coming months, but this is a movement which is already growing, one month only after the inauguration of the new president of the United States.

WHile the MSM is continuing its propaganda, asserting that Obama has now become more popular than Jesus Christ (recent Harris poll showing that Obama is the new hero, ranking N°1, followed by Jesus Christ, Martin Luther King and Gandhi !), locally initiatives are taken by angry  Americans who are not falling in line.

When Obama went to Mesa, Arizona, a few days ago, in order to visit a school, he was waited for by a crowd of at least 500 protesters, who were holding hostile signs to denounce his recent political decisions :

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It is now becoming more and more obvious that the honeymoon is really over, and a lot of people fail to understand the logic of Obama's social and economic policy so far.

The most striking example is an announcement he has just made :

mortgage bailout announcement on Wednesday directs $75 billion in government funds to bail out certain borrowers who are behind on mortgage payments or "at risk" of falling behind.

Although the president
said that "it will not rescue the unscrupulous or irresponsible," there's no requirement that that U.S. Treasury deny bailouts to Americans who took outsize risks in hopes that their homes would continue to appreciate.

Which is why Obama's announcement has drawn a howl of protest from renters and those people -- yes, they exist -- who bought cheaper, modest homes they could comfortably afford. 

Hundreds protest President Barack Obama's visit to Dobson High School on Wednesday.

These honest citizens must really feel outraged by Obama's new mortgage bailout.

They  have paid my mortgage on time for years. And they are not getting rewarded !
On the contrary : they will have to pay for others, who have been quite  irresponsible !

Please, don't misunderstand me : I am not saying that some of these people should not be helped. Of course, some of them are victims, and it is normal that the federal government come to their rescue.

But the problem with Obama is that he seems to be spending all his country's money with no restraint : bank bailout ; automakers bailout ; stimulus package ; mortgage bailout ; etc...

People gather outside Dobson High School in Mesa, where President Barack Obama spoke on his economic recovery plan. Feb. 18, 2009.

And he is increasing the deficit to such a point that Hillary has just been obliged to beg and to implore the Chinese to buy more US Treasury bonds !

Americans, be happy ! Mister Obama is selling your country to the Chinese !

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